2024 Summit
It Takes a Community – Ranchers, Land and Neighbors, Too.
See Agenda for speakers and presentations (to be posted very soon).
CRCC and University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources and California Rangeland Trust
appreciate the expertise of the presenters and the generous support of photo contestants, booth exhibitors and sponsors.
Lunch was provided by San Joaquin County Cattlewomen, Audubon California and Orvis Ranch Beef

2024 Summit Photo Contest

The photo contest promotes and shares working rangeland photography and generates original photographs for use by the California Rangeland Conservation Coalition (CRCC). A panel of photographers will determine winners based on content and photo quality. The Coalition sincerely appreciates all contest participants, judges and the sponsors.
Ranch Sponsors
4 J Horse and Livestock Co, California Wool Growers Association, Cobblestone Ranch, Eddie Ranch, Forrest Ranch,
Jack & Darcy Hanson, Mission Livestock, Orvis Ranch Beef, Outlaw Valley Ranch, Sagehorn-Russell Ranch LLC, Rodden Ranches LLC, San Joaquin Stanislaus Cattlemen’s Association, San Joaquin Stanislaus Cattlewomen, Sardella Ranch, Spanish Ranch, Sparrowk Livestock, Star Creek Land Stewards, Talbott Sheep Company, Sweet Livestock, Willow Creek Land and Cattle, LLC, Yolo Land & Cattle
Alameda County Resource Conservation District, Audubon California, California Invasive Plant Council, Boise State University, California Native Grasslands Association, California Rangeland Trust, Center for Natural Lands Management, East Bay Regional Park District, Indian Nations Conservation Alliance, InterWest Insurance Services, Keep it Colorado,
Koopmann Rangeland Consulting, National Grazing Land Coalition, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Ozark Hills PRF,
Point Blue Conservation Science, Rural Voices for Conservation, Rural Community Representatives of California, Sierra Foothill Conservancy, Solano Together, University of California Berkeley, Western Landowners Alliance, Western Poly Pipe, Wildlife Conservation Board, Working Lands Conservation