925.784-8303 ksweet@cattlemen.net

2025 Summit Photo Contest

Contest Sponsor and Coordinator

The photo contest promotes and shares working rangeland photography and generates original photographs for use by the California Rangeland Conservation Coalition (CRCC). A panel of photographers will determine winners based on content and photo quality. The Coalition sincerely appreciates all contest participants, judges and the sponsors.

Contestants are highly encouraged to attend the Summit. Register and learn more on the Summit website.

Prizes will be awarded for 1st place in each category and People’s Choice!

Submit photos by Friday, February 21, 2025 via-email to Laura Robison (lrobison@pointblue.org)

➢ Entry categories are Ranchers and Ranching, Landscapes and Wildlife, and the Summit Theme: “The Art & Science of Rangeland Management.”
➢ Any photographer can submit up to 3 original photos. Choose your best!
➢ Photos must be original and taken in California and highlight California’s grazing lands, including livestock and ranching, people, landscapes, wildlife, plants, etc.
➢ Photos must be original, of high resolution (minimum 72 pixels per inch-ppi). Basic light and color correction is allowed, but no special effects or filters may be applied.
➢ Photos can be from any time but must not have been submitted to previous CRCC photo contests.
➢ All photos submitted become the property of the Coalition and Point Blue. Photos may be published without obtaining further permission. Use may include, but is not limited to videos, website, social media, articles, and gifts. Makers will be recognized where feasible.
➢ Judging decisions will be final and at the sole discretion of the Coalition.
➢ Winners will be notified by email and announced during the CRCC Summit on Friday, February 23rd, 2024.

Submit photos by Friday, February 21, 2025 via-email to Laura Robison (lrobison@pointblue.org)
Attach one (1) .jpg photo per email. Include photographer name & title in the .jpg name (e.g.MSmith_title.jpg).

  1. Subject Line: “CRCC Photo Contest”
  2. In the Body include: • Photographer name • Photographer mailing address • Photographer
    phone number • Title of photo • Location of photo • Entry category
  3. Model Consent Form: If applicable, complete for each photograph with an identifiable person.

Model Consent Form. Please return via email with photograph submission (if applicable).

I consent to __________________________ using the photograph of me as an entry in

(Print Photographer Name)

the 2024 CRCC Summit Photo Contest and to the photograph’s and the California Rangeland Conservation Coalition’s future use in print materials, publications, marketing materials, on the internet, or any other lawful use or reproduction.

Title: _________________________________________

Name of individual in photograph: ______________________________________________________

Address: __________________________________________________________________________

Signature: _________________________________________________Date____________________

Minor Model Consent Form

If subject is under 18, I _________________________________, parent of guardian of the minor,

(Print Name of Parent or Guardian)

_________________________, consent to the use of the photograph of this minor as an entry

       (Print Name of Minor)

in the 2024 Rangeland Summit Photo Contest and to the photograph’s and the California Rangeland Conservation Coalition’s future use in print materials, publications, marketing materials, on the internet, or any other lawful use or reproduction.

Address: __________________________________________________________________________

Phone Number: ____________________________________________________________________

Authorization: ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_______________________________________________Date______________

(Signature of parent or guardian)