The Art & Science of Range Management
Tuesday • March 4, 2025
Is there one way, a perfect way to manage rangelands? Of course not. Ranchers and other managers rely on science and technology, on their network of advisors and on their experience observing the land to cultivate and apply the art of decision-making for their own needs. There will be a little science, some technology, and some art, too at the Summit.
CRCC and University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources and California Grazing Land Coalition
and California Rangeland Trust and California Cattle Council
appreciate the expertise of the presenters and the generous support of photo contestants, booth exhibitors and sponsors.
Consider adding your name to this growing list.
Ranch Sponsors
4 J Horse and Livestock Co, Adam Cline, Andrew Bertotti, California Wool Growers Association, Cline Livestock Co, Cobblestone Ranch, Country Natural Beef’s Grazewell Program, Koopmann Ranch, Nova Farm, Outlaw Valley Ranch, Paicines Ranch, Range Resources 4 Ewe, Sagehorn-Russell Ranch LLC, Rodden Ranches LLC, San Joaquin Stanislaus Cattlemen’s Association, San Joaquin Stanislaus Cattlewomen, Shepherdess Land & Livestock, Sparrowk Livestock, Star Creek Land Stewards, Talbott Sheep Company, Sweet Livestock, Willow Creek Land and Cattle, LLC, Yolo Land & Cattle
Alameda County Resource Conservation District, Audubon Conservation Ranching , California Cattle Council, California Grazing Land Coalition, California Native Grasslands Association, California Rangeland Trust, Cal Poly Rangeland Science, Center For Natural Lands Management, Defenders of Wildlife, East Bay Regional Park District, Indian Nations Conservation Alliance, Lynn Huntsinger PhD, InterWest Insurance Services, National Grazing Land Coalition, Natural Resources Conservation Service, No Regrets Initiative / Paicines Ranch, Point Blue Conservation Science, The Nature Conservancy, University of California Davis, University of California Berkeley, Wendell Gilgert, Western Landowners Alliance, Western Poly Pipe, Working Lands Conservation, Yolo County Resource Conservation District
We’re Celebrating International Year of the Range and Pastoralists

We are hosting a special photo exhibit to celebrate California’s pastoral beauty!
Seeking photos by ranchers and manager who care tirelessly for the land
CRCC applauds the working rangeland contributions of its 125+ Signatories toward achieving the goals expressed in the Rangeland Resolution.