California Rangeland Conservation Coalition…Working to Keep Ranchers Ranching.
The California Rangeland Resolution notes the multiple values of California’s rangelands and ranching and how the Coalition collaboratively works to protect and enhance them and to support a viable ranching community.

It’s CRCC’s 20th Anniversary!
It all started in a barn in Sunol, strangers with a common passion to conserve health rangelands and support the ranchers who steward them.
See the 2025 PHOTO SLIDESHOW, sponsored by Point Blue Conservation Science.
California Rangeland Conservation Coalition…Committed Sponsors
4 J Horse and Livestock Co, Adam Cline, Andrew Bertotti, California Cattlemen’s Association, California Wool Growers Association, Cobblestone Ranch, Eddie Ranch, Country Natural Beef’s Grazewell Program, Koopmann Ranch, Mid Valley CowBelles, Mission Livestock, Nova Farm, Orvis Ranch Beef, Outlaw Valley Ranch, Range Resources 4 Ewe, Sagehorn-Russell Ranch LLC, Rodden Ranches LLC, San Joaquin Stanislaus Cattlemen’s Association, San Joaquin Stanislaus Cattlewomen, Sardella Ranch, Shepherdess Land & Livestock, Spanish Ranch, Sparrowk Livestock, Star Creek Land Stewards, Sylvia Chatagnier, Sheep Company, Sweet Livestock, Willow Creek Land and Cattle, LLC, Yolo Land & Cattle
Other Sponsors
Alameda County Resource Conservation District, Audubon Conservation Ranching, Boise State University, California Grazing Land Coalition, California Invasive Plant Council, Cal Poly Rangeland Science, California Native Grasslands Association, California Rangeland Trust, Center for Natural Lands Management, Defenders of Wildlife, East Bay Regional Park District, Lynn Huntsinger, Indian Nations Conservation Alliance, InterWest Insurance Services, Koopmann Rangeland Consulting, National Grazing Land Coalition, Natural Resources Conservation Service, No Regrets, Ozark Hills PRF, Paicines Ranch, Point Blue Conservation Science, Rural Voices for Conservation, Rural Community Representatives of California, University of California Berkeley and Davis, Wendell Gilgert, Western Landowners Alliance, Western Poly Pipe, Wildlife Conservation Board, Working Lands Conservation, Yolo County Resource Conservation District
Partner Stories
Benefits of Rangeland
Benefits of Rangeland by Category…
Mission Statement
Bringing together ranchers, environmentalists and government entities to conserve and enhance the ecological values and economic viability of California’s working rangelands.
California Grazing Lands Coalition
CalGLC is the rancher’s voice in CA conservation. This project will be a collaborative approach to rangeland stewardship through a dedicated coalition of ranchers, individuals involved with existing conservation efforts, conservation districts, non-government organizations, and representatives from state and federal land management agencies.
CalGLC is a new project facilitated by the CA Rangeland Conservation Coalition (CRCC).