925.784-8303 ksweet@cattlemen.net

Research Categories

Through the links on this page and the newsletter, Rangeland Field Notes you will find a wealth of research and research faculty on the various topics listed below.


An Economic Analysis of the Benefits of Habitat Conservation on California Rangelands
Ecosystem Service Messaging: Needs Assessment and Initial Messaging Recommendations 
Nature’s Benefits: The Importance of Addressing Biodiversity in Ecosystem Service Programs
Payments for Ecosystem Services: A California Rancher Perspective 
Payments for Ecosystem Services: A California Rancher Perspective- Executive Summary 
What can Ecological Science Tell Us About Opportunities for Carbon Sequestration on Arid Rangelands in the United States?



USDA Effects of Climate Change on US Ecosystems
The Impact of Climate Change On California’s Ecosystem Services
Climate Change Impacts On California Vegetation: Physiology, Life History, And Ecosystem Change 
Projected Effects of Climate Change in California: Ecoregional Summaries Emphasizing Consequences for Wildlife. Version 1.0.
Consequences Of Climate Change For Native Plants And Conservation
Effects of Climate Change on Range Forage Production in the San Francisco Bay Area
Shifting thresholds Climate Climate Change Effects on the Simulated Long-Term Response of a Semi-Arid Savanna to Grazing

Integrated Climate Change and Land Use Change Scenarios for California Rangeland Ecosystem Services


Soil Carbon Sequestration in US Rangelands
What can Ecological Science Tell Us About Opportunities for Carbon Sequestration on Arid Rangelands in the United States?
Greenhouse Gas Accounting For Inventory, Emissions Trading And Life Cycle Assessment In The Land-Based Sector: A Review
Decision making under uncertainty: An Assessment of Adaptation Strategies and Scenario Development for Resource Managers 


Grazing Effects on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function in California Vernal Pool Grasslands (Dr. Jaymee Marty, 2006)

The Cost of Rural Community Services in Wyoming (American Farmland Trust)
Public Lands Grazing for Private Land Conservation (Adriana Sulak, Lynn Huntsinger and Sheila Barry – 2006)
Ranching as a Conservation Strategy: Can Old Ranchers Save the West (Mark W. Brunson and Lynn Huntsinger – 2008)


Prescribed Fire – Effects of Exurban Development on Wildlife and Plant Communities
Planned Herbivory in the Management of Wildfire Fuels


A Holistic Strategy for Adaptive Land Management
California Guidelines for Residual Dry Matter (RDM) Management on Coastal and Foothill Annual Rangelands
Photo-Monitoring for Better Land Use Planning and Assessment
Sediment Delivery Inventory and Monitoring
A Method for Water Quality Management in Rangeland Watersheds
Visual Assessment of Riparian Health
Guidelines for Monitoring the Establishment of Riparian Grazing Systems
A Comparison of Three Visual Assessments for Riparian and Stream Health
Monitoring of Net Primary Production in California Rangelands Using Landsat and MODIS Satellite Remote Sensing


Tree shelters and weed control enhance growth and survival of natural blue oak seedling (Douglas D. McCreary, William Tietje, Josh Davy, Royce Larsen, Morgan Doran, Dustin Flavell, Sergio Garcia)
Oaks Research Update 2007
Managed Grazing and Seedling Shelters Enhance Oak Regeneration on Rangelands
Cattle Grazing has Varying Impacts on Stream-Channel Erosion in Oak Woodlands
Blue Oak Enhance Soil Quality in California Oak Woodlands
Exclosure Size Affects Young Blue Oak Seedling Growth
Long-Term Changes From Different Uses of Foothill Hardwood Rangelands


Conserving and Managing Prairie, Grassland and Vernal Pool Landscapes Through Collaboration (Pelayo Alvarez)
The California Rangeland Conservation Coalition – Grazing Research supports an alliance for working landscapes. (Sheila Barry, Tracy Schohr and Karen Sweet)
California Restoration and Enhancement Permitting Stakeholder Survey Results – A Project of the California Rangeland Conservation Coalition (Tracy Schohr and Keith Ochwat)
Grazing Handbook – A Guide for Resource Management in Coastal California – A project of the Sotoyome Resource Conservation District.
Forest and rangeland owners value land for natural amenities and as financial investment (Shasta Ferranto, Lynn Huntsinger, Christy Getz, Gary Nakamura, William Stewart, Sabrina Drill, Yana Valachovic, Michael DeLasaux, Maggi Kelly) 
The environmental impact of beef production in the United States: 1977 compated with 2007. (J.L. Capper)


Grazing Effects on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function in California Vernal Pool Grasslands
Cattle Grazing Mediates Climate Change Impacts on Ephemeral Wetlands.
The Use of Eastern Sacramento Valley Vernal Pool Habitat by Geese and Swans. (2009 – Bogiatto, Wright-Myers, Kraus, Moore and Hunt)


Effects of Grazing and Invasive Grasses on Desert Vetebrates in California. (Germano, Rathbun and Saslaw – 2011)
Determining the Effects of Livestock Grazing on Yosemite Toads and their Habitat: An Adaptive Management Study. (Allen-Diaz, McIlroy, Tate, Roche and Lind – 2010)
The Saga of the Santa Cruz Tarplan.(Hayes – 1998)
Managing exotic grasses and conserving declining species.(Germano, Rathbun and Saslaw – 2006)
Cattle grazing impacts on annual forbs and vegetation composition of Mesic Grasslands in California. (Hayes and Hall – 2003)
Stubble height standards for Sierra Nevada meadows can be difficult to meet. (Lile, Tate, Lancaster and Karle – 2003)
Cars, Cows, and Checkerspot Butterflies: Nitrogen Deposition and Management of Nutrient-poor Grasslands for a Threatened Species.(Weiss – 1999)
Relative Abundance of Endangered San Joaquin Kit Foxes Based on Scat-Detection. (Smith, Ralls, Cypher, Clark, Kelly, Williams and Maldonado – 2006)
Wildlife Habitat Associations of Diurnal Raptors in California’s Central Valley. (Pandolfino, Herzog, Hooper, and Smith – 2011)


Impact of Environmental Factors on Fish Distribution Assessed in Rangeland Streams
On California Rangeland Watersheds……Timing, Frequency of Sampling Affect Accuracy of Water-Quality Monitoring
Long-Term Grazing Study in Spring-Fed Wetlands Reveals Management Tradeoffs
Watershed Research Examines Rangeland Management Effects on Water Quality
Graphical Analysis Facilitates Evaluation of Stream-Temperature Monitoring Data
Statistical Analysis of Monitoring Data Aids in Prediction of Stream Temperature

Analysis Shows Climate-Caused Decreases in Scott River Fall Flows
Evaluation of California’s Rangeland Water Quality Education Program
Survey Identifies Sediment Sources in North Coast Rangelands


UC Sierra Foothills Research Extension Center UCCE California Rangelands Research and Information Center
Journal of Range Management Archives: (1948-2003)
Rangelands Archives: 1979-2003
California Native Grasslands Association
California Oaks Foundation

California Vernal Pools
Elkhorn Slough Coastal Training Program
Scientific Literature on Grazing (Quivira Coalition)
UC Forestry and Oak Woodland Programs Online
UCCE Integrated Hardwood Range Management Program


Dr. Carolynn Malmstrom’s  Lab (Michigan State University)
Dr. Ken Fulgham’s Lab (Humboldt State University)
Dr. Ken Tate’s Lab (UC Davis)
Dr. Kevin Rice’s Lab (UC Davis)
Dr. Valerie Eviner’s Lab (UC Davis)
Dr. Susan Marshall’s Lab (Humboldt State University)