925.784-8303 ksweet@cattlemen.net



California Grazing Lands Coalition

CalGLC is a new project facilitated by the CA Rangeland Conservation Coalition (CRCC).

CalGLC is producer-led and producer-focused. This project will be a collaborative approach to rangeland stewardship through a dedicated coalition of ranchers, individuals involved with existing conservation efforts, conservation districts, non-government organizations and representatives from state and federal land management agencies.



Bring the ranching and land stewardship community together to focus on collaborative solutions to the urgent issues facing the ecosystem health and economic viability of California’s grazing lands.


Economically and ecologically sound grazing management is the norm throughout the state, ranchers’ voices are included and valued in conversations on grazing lands conservation, and CalGLC is an informational and technical assistance hub for the ranching and land stewardship community.


Strategic Priorites

• Fill gaps in technical assistance and learning opportunities for priority topics: ranching economics, generational transfer, young/beginning rancher and minority rancher support and education, and shared eco-literacy across partners (or improved understanding of the relationship between grazing management and ecological outcomes)

• Support development and publication of Ecological Site Descriptions for CA grazing lands as
a critical conservation planning tool

• Promote sustainable management of grazing lands as the foundation of the ranching industry

• Address land access and infrastructure challenges to increase stewardship opportunities through grazing

• Advance existing rangeland conservation efforts by elevating rancher-derived solutions

• Foster on-ranch learning and mentoring opportunities for university students and early-career
conservation professionals.

• Educate non-ranching stakeholders on the benefits and logistics of grazing

• Build and maintain relationships with additional working lands partners in the state

• Broadly share stories of inspiring grazing lands stewardship

Rancher Advisory Panel

John Austel, Southern California. Cattle
Bianca Artadi Soares Shapero, Central California. Sheep & Goat
Andrew Bertotti, Northern California. Sheep and Cattle
Rizpah Bellard, Central California. Cattle
Tribal rancher, to be confirmed
Cal GLC Coordinator – Alex Karol, Central Coast cattle & sheep rancher, akarol@westernlandowners.org


California Rangeland Conservation Coalition (CRCC)

Bre Owens, Board Chair. Cattle and Sheep
David Forrest, Board Vice-Chair. Cattle
Liz Reikowski, Cattle

Rangeland Management Specialists
Wendell Gilgert
Lynn Huntsinger
Stephanie Larson
Karen Sweet, Executive Director

UC Cooperative Extension  including Theresa Becchetti, Stanislaus and San Joaquin Counties

Indian Nations Conservation Alliance (INCA) – Delane Atcitty, Executive Director

Natural Resources Conservation Service – Alan Bower, State Rangeland Management Specialist

Other rangeland and livestock specialists


Funding is provided by NRCS through the Grazing Lands Conservation Initiative, https://www.nrcs.usda.gov/programs-initiatives/glci-grazing-lands-conservation-initiative

Western Landowners Alliance provides operational support, https://westernlandowners.org/

Grazing Coalitions across the US are supported by the National Grazing Lands Coalition, https://www.grazinglands.org/

NatGLC (National Grazing Land Coalition).  Subscribe to newsletter with stories from across the country. Free Resources