Enjoy these photos. All photos are property of the California Rangeland Conservation Coalition. Please provide photo credit if you use these photos.
2021 Summit Photographs. Contest sponsored by Point Blue Conservation Science
2020 Summit Photographs. Contest sponsored by Point Blue Conservation Science
White-breasted Nuthatch Yellow-headed Bumble Bee
2019 Summit Photographs. Contest sponsored by Point Blue Conservation Science
- Cowgirl Cutting Cow, Rush Ranch, Tom Muehleisen, People’s Choice
- The Search Begins, Santa Clara Co, Carissa Rivers, 1st Place
- Early Bloom on Abandoned Carrizo Ranch, Jim Tietz, 2nd Place
- Milkweed, Morgan Territory Preserve, Allison Rofe, 3rd Place
- A Sheep’s Gaze, Helen Putnam Regional State Park, Gustavo Vasquez
- Black-tailed Jackrabbit on Jenner Headlands, Wendell Gilbert
- Belted Galloways on Hicks Mtn, Wendell Gilgert
- Annual Range at its most resilient state, Conttra Costa Co, Allison Rofe
- Burrowing Owls in Yolo Bypass, Yolo Co, Phil Hogan
- Burrowing Owls with Cattle, Yolo Bypass, Phil Hogan
- Clean-up Crew, Jepson Prairie, Jasmine Westbrook
- Dan & the Stray, Mariposa, Lauren Hubert
- Cow @ the Pasture, Paicines, Kelsey Frusetta
- Color, Cathey’s Valley, Katy Casner
- Dean Ranch, Sutter Buttes, Alyssa Lindman
- Gatherin Cattle in the Fall, Modoc Co, Kathy DeForest
- Humanity, Mt Tamalpais State Park, John Larracas
- Her First Puppy, Sunol, Carissa Rivers
- Generation Next, Contra Costa Co, Erik Gentenbein
- Last Gathering for the 5L, Mt Bullion, Lauren Hubert
- Modern World, Mt Tamalpais State Park, John Larracas
- North Butte, Sutter Buttes, Alyssa Lindman
- New growth 1 year after Cove Fire, Modoc Co, Kathy DeForest
- Nature’s Shade, Point Reyes, John Larracas
- Oaks in the Mist, Paicines, Lori Frusetta
- Old Meets New, Wilcox East Ranch, Jasmine Westbrook
- Out of the Chute, Paicines, Lori Frusetta
- Picnic at the Pond, Contra Costa Co, Erik Gantenbein
- Perseverance, Cathey’s Valley, Katy Casner
- Spring in Ranch Country, Modoc Co, Kathy DeForest
- Ready for my Close-up, Oregon House, Alyssa Lindman
- Rush Ranch Sunrise, Solano Co, Tom Muehlleisen
- Spring in Ranch Country, Modoc Co, Kathy DeForest
- San Benito River @ the Ranch, Paicines, Lori Frusetta
- Rush Ranch Winter Sunrise, Solano Co, Tom Muehleisen
- The Game Plan, Sunol, Carissa Rivers
- The Lone Sheep, Helen Putnam Regional Park, Gustavo Vasquez
- The Overlook, Cathey’s Valley, Katy Casner
- Yolo Golden Hills, Winters, Devin Murphy
- The Perch, Contra Costa Co, Erik Gantenbein
- Prescribed-Fire-Upper-Stony-Creek-Watershed, Wendell Gilgert
2018 Summit Photographs. Contest sponsored by Point Blue Conservation Science
- Red Barn, Sloughouse. Bart Cremers. 1st Place
- Golden Fields, San Benito County, Lori Frusetta, 2nd Place
- Grasslands and Vistas, Santa Lucia Preserve, Kyle Meyer, 3rd Place
- A Little Piece of Heaven, Catheys Valley, Katy Casner, Peoples’ Choice
- Vernal Pools After Storm, Bart Cremers
- Teamwork-Santa-Lucia-Preserve, Christy Fischer
- Cows Around Pool, Sheridan, Bart Cremers
- Waterside Reflection, Lincoln, Amanda Seidel
- Same Face, Lincoln, Amanda Seidel
- Daybreak, Lincoln, Amanda Seidel
- Eanie-Meany-Miny-Moe, Santa Lucia Preserve, Christy Wyckhoff
- Great Basin Collard and Fence Lizard Face-Off, Lincoln, Wendell Gilgert
- Untitled, Contra Costa County, Erik Gatenbein
- Untitled, Merced County, Erik Gatenbein
- Farming Implementation Trials Stemple Creek,Tomales, Jim Jenson
- Those Magnificent Flying Machines, Adin, Kathy DeForest
- Moving to New Pasture, Modoc National Forest, Kathy DeForest
- Here It Comes Again, Adin, Kathy DeForest
- Rancher Farmer Fisherman, Coho Release, Tomales, Jim Jenson
- Cold Creek Ranch, Potter Valley, Katie Guntly
- Speckles and Spots, Potter Valley, Katie Guntly
- Twins, Potter Valley, Katie Guntly
- Carmody and Cows, Mariposa County, Lauren Hubert
- Monday Traffic, Catheys Valley, Katy Casner
- Grit and Grace, Catheys Valley, Katy Casner
- Spring Gather, Ben Hur, Mariposa County, Lauren Hubert
- Curious Coyote Pup, San Benito County, Lori Frusetta
- Mountain View, San Benito County, Lori Frusetta
- Cows in the Flowers, Santa Clara County, Stu Weiss
- Monkeys in the Meadow, Mariposa County, Robyn Smith
- Color in the Canyon, Mariposa County, Robyn Smith
- California Gold, Mariposa County, Robyn Smith
- Elk and Cattle Calf Coexistence, Santa Clara County, Stu Weiss
- See, I Have Horns Too, Leavitt Lake Ranch, Trisha Wood
- Start Them Young, Leavitt Lake Ranch, Trisha Wood
- Acorn Woodpecker Fence Post Cam be Habitat, Too, Shasta County, Wendell Gilgert
- Untitled, Merced County, Erik Gantenbein
- Immature White Crowned Sparrow, Dye Creek, Wendell Gillgert
2017 Summit Photo Contest Sponsored by Point Blue Conservation Science
- Late Fall Feeding, Jill Hackett, Ferndale. 1st Place
- Storms-Coming-Shana-Tomlinson-Chowchilla-2nd-Place
- One-Month-Ago-Dan-Macon-Auburn
- Cattle Appreciating Spring on the Preserve, Christy Wykoff, Carmel
- Blue Skies, Bonnie Fogarty, Oakdale
- Sutter Buttes Western Fence Lizard, Wendell Gilgert, Chico
- Boys will be Boys, Jodi Fields, Coyote
- Calf with Rainbow, Erik Gantenbein, San Ramon
- Collaborative-Efforts-Removed-Modoc-Sucker-from-Endangered-Species-List-2016-Kathy-DeForest-Adin
- Cowgirl Cutting Cow, Tom Muehleisen, Suisun
- Curious, Kevin Nelson, San Clemente
- Early-Morning-Blue-Oaks-Wendell-Gilgert-Chico
- Early-Morning-Fog-Christy-Wyckoff-Carmel
- Elk-Mindy-Nicoletti-Gerber
- Fresh-Grass-Dan-Macon-Auburn-3rd-Place
- Fresh-Spring-Grass-Elaina-Cuzick-Montera
- Full-Moon-Arleah-Fields-Coyote
- Happy-Birds-Jodi-Fields-Coyote
- Heavy-Sky-Dan-Macon-Auburn
- Heermanns-Tarweed-Allison-Rofe-Concord
- Late-Bloomers-Allison-Rofe-Concord
- Lone-Cowboy-Tom-Muehleisen-Suisun
- Morning-Poppy-Arleah-Fields-Coyote
- Newville-Mindy-Nicoletti-Gerber
- Patiently-Waiting-Carissa-Koopmann-Rivers-Montague
- Roundup on the Range, Tom Muehleisen, Suisun
- Soaking Up the Sun, Jodi Fields, Coyote
- Spring-Bloom-Shana-Tomlinson-Chowchilla
- Stilton’s Skink in Leaf Litter, Wendell Gilgert, Chico
- Sunrise-Warming-Penon-Peak-Christy-Wyckoff-Carmel
- Table-Mountains-in-Bloom-Shana-Tomlinson-Chowchilla
- Trail-Ends-Kevin-Nelson-San-Clement
- Trail to a Sip, Kevin Nelson, San Clemente
- Trailing Pairs, Arleah Fields, Coyote
- Trusty Steed, Carissa Koopmann Rivers, Montague
- Trailing Pairs, Carissa Koopmann Rivers, Montague
- Turri Family Farms, Mindy Nicoletti, Gerber
- Winter-Landscape-Kathy-DeForest-Adin
- Yearlings in Winter in Modoc County, Kathy DeForest, Adin
2016 Summit Photo Contest Gallery
- 1st Place! Arleah Fields, San Jose
- Sasha Berleman, Browns Valley
- Maryann Hunt, Surprise Valley
- Maryann Hunt, Surprise Valley
- Suzie Winquist, Sebastopol
- 2nd Place! Paul Zaretsky, Las Lomas
- Paul Zaretsky, Las Lomas
- Dan Macon, Auburn
- William Laven, Half Moon Bay
- Kevin Greer, Tehama County
- Erik Gantenbein, San Ramon
- Phil Hogan, Woodland
- Mindy Nicoletti, Paskenta
- Danielle Groteguth, Red Bluff
- Seth Hunt, Clarks Valley
- Lauren Wilson, Tejon Ranch
- Mindy Nicoletti, Paskenta
- Mindy Nicoletti, Red Bluff
- Nate Mello, Elderwood
- Erik Gantenbein, San Ramon
- Brittany Cole Bush, Hayward
- Nick Gallagher, Woodland
- Seth Hunt, Clarks Valley
- People’s Choice! Danielle Groteguth, Red Bluff
- Phil Hogan, Woodland
- Arleah Fields, San Jose
- Sasha Berleman, Browns Valley
- Paul Zaretsky, Las Lomas
- Lauren Wilson, Tejon Ranch
- Lori Frusetta, San Benito County
- Ha Truong, Woodland
- Allison Rofe, Ukiah
- Ha Truong, Woodland
- Danielle Groteguth, Red Bluff
- Phil Hogan, Woodland
- Lori Frusetta, Paicines
- Lauren Wilson, Tejon Ranch
- Brittany Cole Bush, Hayward
- Suzie Winquist, Sebastopol
- Jan Blake, Nevada City
- Allison Rofe, Ukiah
- Erik Gantenbein, San Ramon
- Kevin Greer, Tehama County
- Seth Hunt, Surprise Valley
- Brittany Cole Bush, Aromas
- Ha Truong, Woodland
- Maryann Hunt, Surprise Valley
- Sasha Berleman, Sonoma
- 3rd Place! Dan Macon, Auburn
- Alison Rofe, Ukiah
- Suzie Winquist, Sebastopol
- Lori Frusetta, Paicines
2014 Summit Photo Contest Gallery
- Chris Swann, Valley Springs
- Tracy Schohr, Gridley
- Tracy Schohr, Gridley
- Tracy Schohr, Gridley
- Rick Kuyper
- Rick Kuyper
- Rick Kuyper
- Matthew Shapero, Penn Valley
- Reno Brown, Hollister
- Matthew Shapero, Penn Valley
- Matthew Shapero, Penn Valley
- Justine Smith, Elk Creek
- Justine Smith, Elk Creek
- Justine Smith, Elk Creek
- Heather Hafleigh, Berkeley
- Heather Hafleigh
- Heather Hafleigh
- Greg Francek, Valley Springs
- Dan Macon, Auburn
- Dan Macon, Auburn
- Dan Macon, Auburn
- Brittany Cole Bush, Eastsound, WA
- Brittany Cole Bush, Eastsound, WA
- Carissa Rivers
- Carissa Rivers
- Carissa Rivers
- Chris Swann, Valley Springs
- Brittany Cole Bush, Eastsound, WA
- Arleah Fields, San Jose
- Arleah Fields, San Jose
- Arleah Fields, San Jose
Cattle Photo Gallery
Flower Photo Gallery
Open Spaces Photo Gallery
Wildlife Photo Gallery